Roses For Days


Will you accept these roses?

They're one of the most iconic flowers for a reason! Roses come in soooo many colours so we've picked our faves to share across Melbourne!

Choose from the classic red Nina roses for those romantic vibes, Pretty Hermosa roses, dark and moody Red Heart roses, bright Free Spirit roses, or the crowd favourite sandy blush Quicksand roses. A touch of luxe for the ultimate gift!

For a very limited time we also have some stunning Sky Blue and Striped Pandora roses for something noice, different, unusual!

Each arrangement includes 10 beautiful stems of roses, hand-delivered in premium white tissue and finished with crisp white paper. 

Image 1: Pandora Striped Roses (LIMITED)
Image 2: Quicksand Roses
Image 3 & 4: Sky Blue Roses (LIMITED)
Image 5: Nina Roses 
Image 6: Hermosa Roses 
Image 7: Red Heart Roses
Image 8: Free Spirit Roses

Please note: No two flowers are ever the same, so the colours of your roses may vary

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