Florist Choice Bunch


If you're the kind of person who loves surprises, or are indecisive AF, then this one's for you!

Let the HB florists choose on your behalf and create a beautiful arrangement using the season's best blooms and foliage. The colour palette and style will be completely up to the lucky HB florist who puts your bunch together - time to get those creative juices flowin'! 

No two bunches will be the same, but every bunch will include a Phalaenopsis stem and premium roses, paired with a matching colour palette of fresh blooms and greenery. 

Want to see some what the HB florists have created in the past? Take a look at our blog here!

Please note: Our florists work hard every day to bring you the best blooms, so colours, styles and blooms in your bunch will vary each day. Don’t worry though, each bunch will be made with lots of love and care!

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